Saturday, June 9, 2012

Journey, Day 1

I'm starting on a journey to make over my life, both physically and spiritually.  I don't know yet where this'll take me, but the important thing is getting started, right?

I'll be doing my best to update via YouTube as well, but I'll be sure to post the videos here on my blog (scroll down to the bottom for the Vlog!).

Me, very pregnant and very heavy.
A little background:  After my daughter was born in March 2010, I lost a lot of weight.  My last weigh-in when I was pregnant saw me at 242 pounds. At 5'2" that's really overweight.  So after she was born, I started the Couch to 5K (you can Google it, it's free), and was careful about what I ate.

After my weight loss

I ended up at 141 lbs.  It's not really goal weight, but it's not far off.

Then around September of 2010, I stopped running.  It was getting dark earlier and staying dark later in the morning, and that was really the only time I had to run.  After I stopped exercising, something in my mind snapped and I really started overeating, big time.

Now I'm about 40 lbs. heavier than I was in September 2010.  It's really depressing to me, but I've tried to come to terms with it.  I know it's hard for people who've lost weight to keep it off.

*sigh* Me in May of 2012.  Kinda sad.

One thing that has really appealed to me is the raw vegan diet.  It makes a lot of sense to me, although I know it's not for everyone.  I've purchased a couple of Ani Phyo's books in the past, so when I saw this one, I was thrilled:

You can buy it here on Amazon!

So, I've just finished day 1 right now.  I decided to start it on a Saturday, just because I don't want anything to interfere with me doing it correctly, which work tends to do.  The smoothies/soups are pretty tasty, although having room-temperature soup does take some getting used to.  The first 3 days are liquid days, that is, all of the meals are blended.  This aids in absorption of the nutrients and gives the body a little rest because it doesn't have to break the food down as much.

I've avoided weighing myself because I always get depressed and I don't think it's fair that a number can have such an effect.  Nonetheless, I think it's important that since I'm reviewing the book that I let you know what my weight is.  I weighed myself this evening, and decided that since the scale says 187.2 that I'll wait until tomorrow morning.  That's because I weighed myself after drinking 2 smoothies (*ahem* the input has been greater than the output today, if you know what I mean).

I like to think of it as serendipity, but there is a new hot yoga studio that opened right around the corner from my work.  I went 4 days this week, and I'm excited about how it makes me feel.  I'm really thinking that between eating well and exercising, I might be able to finally get off of my anti-anxiety meds.  I'd love to be med-free!

Note: I am NOT being compensated in any way for my review of this book/program.  All of the views expressed in my blog and vlog are my own.

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